Saturday, January 7, 2012

Legal Action - Bulletproof Yourself

How would you like to live your life without being worried about violating any of the millions of Statues as issued by Acts of Parliament? You know these things that says that children must wear safety goggles when working with Blue Tack, or that you can't smack your own child, or drive faster than 70 mph on the motorway. In other words victimless crimes.

According to the age-old Common Law you have to have caused Harm, Damage or Loss to another human being, who lays a claim against you, for there to be any reason for the Police or Courts to step into your life.

But the Government found out it needed a lot of money to finance it's mushrooming growth, and came up with all kinds of "Crimes" that could possibly lead to a real crime down the road, and started persecuting us for these invented possible crimes.

I have been driving, using a seatbelt, for 35 years.

I have not yet been in a situation where I needed it. How can it be a crime to not do something that is supposed to prevent something that may never happen? Well it isn't really. Not in the real world - but it is in the fictitious world of Government statues.

I can show you how you have been deceived into believing that you have to live by these Acts and pay the taxes, fees, fines and penalties they decree.

It started when you were born. Your parent were told they must register your birth (they did not know that in legalese "Must" means "May" - deception again) and did so. What they actually did there was to sign over the rights to you to the State. This is why the state can dictate how children should be raised, what vaccinations they should have, what education they should have, etc.


The State also, as a result of this registration, created your "Person" this is a fictitious legal entity that carries your name. Only the name is spelled in CAPITAL LETTERS or has a title in front of it like Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Sir.

Then trough your life you have been made to sign contracts that asserts that you are the "Person" or "Strawman". Like a voters roll, Driving license application, Tax papers, etc.

If your parents had not registered you birth and you had never signed any "contracts" you could pretty much do anything you wanted as long as you did not violate Common Law and cause Harm, Loss or Injury to another human being - and the police could do nothing about it.

You can however take actions that will separate yourself from the "Person" and make the Person belong to you instead of the State. You need to educate yourself some and take certain actions.

I suggest you first read a book by Mary Croft, called "How I clobbered every Cash confiscatory agency known to Man"
This is a story about how she went from broke and desperate to being free from State interference. She pays no tax, she drives a car that is truly hers and is not registered and she has gained access to a secret account linked to her "Person" which can be used to offset claims upon the Person.

I have made paring tickets go away using this. I also used this knowledge to make a Court case go away (without even appearing in Court).

And I have used knowledge about the Law and how the money system actually works, to stop paying my "debts" without violating the law or go to Court. Once you understand how the Banking scam works, you can do the same if you wish.

I wish you all the best with this.

Kent Bengtsson