Are you new to home schooling? Have you determined what goals you'd like to achieve? These are only a couple of questions that arise when parents decide to home school their child/children. Do you want your child to be a critical thinker? Is their future economic prosperity a concern of yours?
Many home school parents feel it is necessary to establish a list of goals in order to create the proper curriculum for their child. Some of these goals include economic prosperity, core knowledge education, and identity driven education. Many agree that home school families are so diverse that it is nearly impossible to categorize them. Some parents choose to incorporate religious teachings as well as political views and social awareness into their studies.
Regardless of what your goals are, the general consensus seems to be that a well-rounded child is what is essential for success.
Many believe that it is important for a child to learn how to be a good citizen and that a parent should instill a desire for lifelong learning, individual personal growth, and teach useful skills for employment. Proper socialization is an issue that many parents face. How do you properly engage your child in social activities? Are they physically fit as well as mentally fit? Would you consider combining classes with another home school in order to fill some of these socialization needs?This is an exhausting topic! Parents who home school are faced with so many challenges! Fortunately there are plenty of resources available and lots of parents who are eager to share their experiences.